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Member Demographic Report

What information is available in this report?
How can I customize this report?

What information is available in this report?

The Member Demographic Report – Summary and Member Detail provides summary graphs as well as a detailed listing of plan members, displayed by age, sex, asset and contribution levels and geography. This report is designed to help you identify potential risks or opportunities to improve the success of your members’ retirement strategies.

How can I customize this report?

Parameter descriptions:

The report has six sections. Members are represented as one unique individual, even through they may be part of multiple policies on the report.

Members by sex illustrates the breakdown of sex and compares to a previous period.

Members by age group illustrates an age breakdown, that compares again similar Manulife plans and against the previous period.

Members by province of employment is available for any pension plan type plan. It provides a breakdown of the distribution of member by province of legislation. The data is available for the report end date and the comparison date.

Members by asset range illustrates the distribution of members based on asset size. The breakdown is by sex and can be compared to the previous period.

Average account balance per member by age group illustrates the distribution of members’ assets by age bands and provides a comparison to other similar Manulife plans. You can quickly identify is the assets have increased or decreased from the previous comparison period.

Average annual contribution per member by age group illustrated the distribution of members previous 12 month contributions by age band. The amount is based on the regular contributions made into the plan by members and do not include lump sum contribution. For consolidated reports, this includes contributions into all plan types and policies by the unique member.

This section also provides a comparison to other similar Manulife plans and can quickly identify is the contributions have increased or decreased from the previous comparison period.

Member Demographic Report – Member Detail

The detailed report is an extension of the summary report. Each line of data represents a specific member by policy.

The members denoted with a “N” in Investment direction given column, in most cases will match the members on the Members without Investment Direction Report – Member Detail. These members have provided a direction to at least one contribution category. The Members without Investment Direction Report – Member Detail will provide a list of members who have assets in a contribution category where the direction is a default direction. To review members most impacted by missing fund direction look at the later report.

Special Note: Balancing between the detail and summary reports text:

The Member Demographic Report – Member Detail can be reconciled to the Member Demographic Report – Summary using the member customer number and counting the unique members under that customer number. You will notice that the information specific to the individual member repeats for each policy row in the member detail report and this information is unique to that member.